Families! Did you know MSUSD subscribes to a 24/7 reading program for your child? Every MSUSD student can now access over 3,000 online books and news articles to read! The best part is that every book your child chooses from his/her library is at his/her reading level. Research shows that in order for students to make growth in their reading they must be reading 20-30 minutes a day within their Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD). We encourage every student to read at least 20-minutes every day. The Renaissance Learning myON program is a great way for your child to choose from a wide variety of interest books at his/her level and take an embedded comprehension assessment to follow. Have your student log in to their AR account here using the same password they use at school. https://global-zone05.renaissance-go.com/welcomeportal/711719 Here is a video for you to learn all about myON! https://renaissance.widen.net/view/video/mq6ghmv8bv/Meet-%EF%BF%BCmyON-for-Parents-and-Families.mp4?u=zbhbc2%EF%BF%BC%EF%BF%BCThank Happy reading!
over 1 year ago, Tami Beall
There will be a Conversational Board Meeting on Tuesday, September 26, 2023. Open Session will begin at 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM, located in the Education Center. You can view the agenda, and or, the link on our Live Feed of our website. https://5il.co/87gz
over 1 year ago, Holly Castaneda
Miles Miller with an incredible 1st place finish for middle school boys at the cross country meet Friday at Shastice Park, leading his team to an overall team win! 🐾🐻
over 1 year ago, Tami Beall
Adult Food Service Price Revision as of September 12, 2023: Breakfast $4.00 Lunch $5.75 Additional Milk $0.50
over 1 year ago, Holly Castaneda
Adult Food Service Price Changes: The Mount Shasta Union School District participates in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and School Breakfast Program (SBP) by offering students 2-FREE nutritious meals every school day for the 2023-2024 school year! -------------------------------------------------- Additional Breakfast Cost: Full Pay $2.25 Reduced $0.50 Additional Lunch Cost: Full Pay $3.25 Reduced $0.50 Additional Milk Cost: $0.50 -------------------------------------------------- Adult (not free): *Breakfast $4.00 *Lunch $5.75 *Revised 9.12.2023
over 1 year ago, Holly Castaneda
Dear MSUSD Families, We want to let you know that we are constantly discussing and practicing safety protocols. We are frequently in close communication with the Mount Shasta Police Department and have a safety plan that includes them. Moreover, we are committed to communicating information to you that is necessary and timely. Now is a good time to remind you that if we were ever in an emergency situation, you would receive information as soon as it would be safe to do so. It is vital you listen to your message rather than calling the office to see what the message said. Doing so will tie up the phone lines. In addition, it is not safe to come to the site, as we may be in an emergency situation. Immediate communication will be given to you stating further directions. We are saddened and concerned by the current state of affairs. MSUSD will continue to make the safety of our students and staff our number one priority, along with timely communication to all of you. If you have any questions, please contact your site principal or Superintendent Beall at 530-926-6007
over 1 year ago, Tami Beall
school safety
There will be a Regular Board Meeting on Tuesday, September 12, 2023. Closed Session will begin at 6:00 PM and Open Session will begin at 7:00 PM, located in the Education Center. You can view the agenda, and or, the link on our Live Feed of our website. simbli.eboardsolutions.com/SB_Meetings/ViewMeeting.aspx?S=36030191&MID=24424
over 1 year ago, Holly Castaneda
Thank you for submitting your meal applications and for your patience! We are still taking applications, so if you haven't filled one out I highly recommend filling them out online.
over 1 year ago, Holly Castaneda
Please fill out a survey inquiring about preschool interest. https://forms.gle/QyHHNznpJF4RuAM6A https://forms.gle/QyHHNznpJF4RuAM6A
over 1 year ago, Tami Beall
MSUSD: Gracias a todos por su paciencia. Vamos a intentar otra ruta. Por favor, siga este enlace: https://linqconnect.com/public/meal-application/new?lang=Spanish Donde le pregunta por su distrito por favor escriba "MT" en vez de "Mount" y seleccione "Mount Shasta Union School District" (Shasta, California). Cuando vea que nuestro distrito está seleccionado, usted podrá llenar su aplicación. Gracias de nuevo por su paciencia.
over 1 year ago, Holly Castaneda
Join us if you can! 🍋
over 1 year ago, Tami Beall
lemonade day
Attendance is vital for the success of your child. Please send your child to school unless they are experiencing one of the symptoms listed below. Make appointments for later in the day or after school. If you are going out of town, send your child to school for as long as possible. Every minute of their education counts! Develop healthy routines while they are young. They will last a lifetime!
over 1 year ago, Tami Beall
MSUSD Families, Please note the following bus changes: For this Weds.- Friday we will not have an afternoon bus run. Next week: Monday: morning and afternoon route both running. Tuesday: morning route only running. All following days are covered, both in the morning and afternoon, unless an unforeseen conflict arises. If this creates a hardship for your family, please call the school office.
over 1 year ago, Tami Beall
bus changes
On-Line titan/ Linq Connect Meal Application: Thank you all for your patience. Let's try another route. Go to this link: https://linqconnect.com/public/meal-application/new?lang=English Meal Application (see image below), General Information, and it will ask you your district. Please type in "Mt." instead of Mount; Mt. Shasta Union School District (Shasta, California). Click on our district and it will take you to Meal Application (see image below). You will begin filling in your information. This should work out better for everyone. Thanks again for your patience.
over 1 year ago, Holly Castaneda
Linq Connect
Linq Meal Application
We are having a regular start today. While the high school may be starting late today due to the mud flow, we are on time. Please make sure your child doesn't miss important information. Thank you! ✏️ 📕
over 1 year ago, Tami Beall
regular start
MEAL APPLICATIONS: Our school receives funding from the number of students who apply for the meal plan. Families are encouraged to complete the confidential Meal Application on the district’s website at mountshastausd.com. Click on Menu>Dining>Meal Application.
over 1 year ago, Holly Castaneda
Dear Families, Aug. 21, 2023 The entire staff at MSUSD would like to welcome you to the 2023-2024 academic year! We are so excited to share this journey with you. We have had many positive changes that are in place for your child this year. First, we have a new bus! Please wave at bus 23 as you drive by. It is air conditioned and has seat belts! Next, we have a new 50% English Language Teacher to assist our students whose home language is not English. Laurel Kessler will be teaching these students for 30 minutes daily. We also added a School Improvement Coordinator position, with Mr. Belzer leading the charge. We are excited to have his drive, determination, and expertise assisting the staff and students with improved academics and attendance. This is in addition to his principal duties at MSE. We also hired a Community Schools Coordinator. Jessica Sanchez will be primarily focused on opening a preschool for the 24-25 school year! She will also help in translation services and resources for all families. We are so happy she has joined our team. Also hired is Angie Danel, or Miss Angie as the students call her, as Secretary at MSE. We also hired many new instructional aides as well as a new Kindergarten Teacher, a 4th Grade Teacher, and a Bridges Teacher. Look for communication via emails, Sisson and Mount Shasta Elementary’s Facebook pages, our website, and for more important and timely information, we will send out a group text and/or phone call. As always, please reach out to the office if you have any questions, or your site administrator. We are here to support you and your child in any way we can. Here’s to an amazing year! Warmly, Tami Beall Superintendent
over 1 year ago, Tami Beall
Happy 1st day of school! We are looking forward to a great year with our MSUSD students and families! 💙🍎
over 1 year ago, Tami Beall
1st day
Our entire district staff participated in professional development today led by Dr. Trudy Arriaga. Her presentation delivered the message of "opening doors" for all.
over 1 year ago, Tami Beall
There will be a Special Board Meeting on Friday, August 18, 2023. Closed Session will begin at 1:00 PM and Open Session will immediately follow, located in the Education Center. You can view the agenda, and or, the link on our Live Feed of our website. simbli.eboardsolutions.com/SB_Meetings/ViewMeeting.aspx?S=36030191&MID=23416
over 1 year ago, Holly Castaneda